Common errors from Atkins dieters

The Atkins diet is one of the simplest weight loss plans. Although the principles are clearly set out in the books, there are some common misconceptions that occur for dieters. These mistakes can make a big difference in the amount of weight you lose and the effectiveness of the diet in general. If Atkins doesn't work for you, or if you suddenly arrive after weeks of effective diet, make sure you don't make any of these common mistakes.

First make sure you are patient with your weight loss. If you lose 8 pounds a week during the Induction Phase and then slow down once you enter the ongoing weight loss phase, this is perfectly normal. The level of the carbohydrate grams that are acceptable on the Induction part of the diet are not meant to carry you through the rest of your diet experience. Induction is meant to get rid of your carbohydrate cravings and detoxify your body of sugar. From the moment you go through the weight loss phase, each week you'll start entering small amounts of carbohydrate grams. This can slow down the weight loss a bit compared to the level it was during the Induction, but this is perfectly normal.

Also, people are different and react differently to the diet. Some people lose weight in spurts, and others lose weight gradually. A plateau can last a few weeks and then voilà, you lose five pounds in a few days.

Be sure to avoid caffeine in all its forms, as well as aspartame, a common artificial sweetener. Both chemicals can have a negative influence on blood sugar levels. Watch out for caffeine in coffee and soft drinks. Watch out for aspartame in dietary salts and sugar-free gelatine. These can cause cravings for sugar and take your body out of the ketosis after one serving.

Watch your daily cheese intake. Although cheese is on the list of acceptable foods, it does have a small amount of carbohydrates. It is best to limit your cheese intake to 4 oz per day. You may have more on special occasions, but it should not be used as your mainstay for protein. Meat, eggs and tofu are much better choices and contain no carbohydrates.

Don't forget to emphasize vegetables during induction and afterwards. Your carbohydrate grams should mainly come from leafy vegetables, green vegetables and other acceptable types of vegetables. Vegetables fill you without increasing your blood sugar level. They provide essential fiber and nutrients that help you lose weight and overall health. After induction, you should have 3-4 cups of salad and 1 cup of cooked vegetables per day. Make sure the vegetables you use are on the list of acceptable foods. Eliminating vegetables from your diet can stop your metabolism and slow down your weight loss.

It is also very important that you eat regularly while on the Atkins plan. Never wake up for more than five hours without eating a combined snack of protein and fat. Two things happen when you skip meals. First, you cause a drop in blood sugar that makes you crave carbohydrates such as bread and sugar. Second, not eating will slow down your metabolism and make it even harder to lose weight.

Finally, make sure you drink enough water every day. Water has many benefits for every person, not just for the people on the Atkins diet. Thirst can sometimes be masked as hunger, so if you stay well hydrated, you won't need food that you should eat. Water also helps you avoid clogging, which is an occasional side effect of the Atkins diet. Drinking 8 ounces of water a day will also help you flush out the toxins produced when you burn fat.

These common mistakes can make people frustrated with the Atkins diet when they don't need to. If you're just starting the diet, make sure you prepare yourself for these mistakes. If you've been on a diet for some time, evaluate your eating habits and make sure you're following the program correctly.


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